Friday, August 27, 2010

Why is the Internet So Dangerous?

The short answer is that typical Windows-based PCs use Internet Explorer as the default web browser and run all applications with the rights of the Administrator, with complete and uncontrolled access to every aspect of the machine and all things connected to it. That includes private data, personal files, and anything else stored on the hard drive or reachable by local area network. And the Internet is a global network that reaches places beyond the purview of our government and without the protections of our laws, where criminals run wild and are free to pillage unsuspecting people in an environment very much like our own 19th century American Wild West.

The long answer is, well, LONGER.

If you purchase a personal computer today, at retail, online, or through any other channel, you typically get an "IBM-compatible" system running Microsoft Windows Seven, Internet Explorer as the web browser, Windows Mail as the default email client, and a built-in firewall that you would think would protect your computer like the word firewall implies. Seven also features a security addon called User Account Control (UAC) that provides interactive prompts and dialog boxes to inform the user that some program or process needs to make some change or install itself on the system. The UAC is what the Apple TV ads parodied by constantly and mindlessly asking the PC over and over whether to "Cancel or Allow" something that was happening on the computer.

In a perfect world, the typical user would be literate enough to understand the manner in which a modern PC goes about its business, but the fact is that even we "experts" are hard pressed to keep up with the rapidly changing environments embraced by the industry. Not only has computer hardware continued to evolve and change, but to an arguably greater degree it's the software, operating systems, applications, and utilities, which have morphed well beyond their relatively simple beginnings to become larger, more sophisticated, and more challenging to install, configure, maintain, debug and update.

THe Windows of 1992 shipped on a half dozen floppy diskettes, totaling less than about 10MB of storage space. Windows Vista shipped fifteen years later on a 4400 MB DVD. That's a BIG difference and a great example of the point I'm making here.

I was there for Windows 3.1 and the much improved Windows for Workgroups 3.11. I installed them on top of DOS, I edited and modified CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to change the environmental parameters those versions of Windows would use while running on the PC of that day. It wasn't simple to do then, and while there are no text-editable system boot files on the Windows Seven systems of today, it's STILL NOT EASY. In fact, it's arguably much more difficult to tweak and tune a modern system to make it work faster and more reliably, mainly due to the sheer size of today's ubiquitous Windows operating system, installed on almost nine of every ten computers sold in the world.

We ask today's PCs to do much more than we did of the systems from 1992. We have faster processors, bigger memory models, higher capacity storage systems that come in more varieties than Baskin Robbins has ice cream. We have networks that span the whole of civilization and interconnect people and businesses that might otherwise never come into contact with each other. We have software that simulates alternate realities with immersive graphics and sound in so many channels we have to invent new terms to describe them. We have more people using more computers more often to do more things than ever before in the history of mankind.

The sheer scope of this technology is so gargantuan, its growth so uncontrolled and unregulated, that seamier elements have found ways - many ways, at that - to subvert the design and intended utilization of these wonderfully powerful inventions we call personal computers, which, unfortunately, have little in the way of security and protective mechanisms to shield us from this onslaught of viruses, Trojan Horses, worms, bogus websites, phishing and pharming methods, ID theft, child pornography, terrorist propaganda, and all the other types of malicious software whose sole purpose is to steal, plunder, rape and destroy the very fabric of our society.

Yeah, it's THAT important. But there's more. A LOT more.....

Nothing of which I've written here is unknown or unfamiliar with the people or corporate conglomerates who founded and operate our technology industries, manage and promote our internetworks, develop and market our software, or produce and distribute the media which entertains and educates us all via radio, TV, video and print channels. Some are more keenly aware of these failures but for reasons motivated by financial gain they make conscious decisions to ignore the effects and continue with business as usual, to the detriment and harm of all consumers, everywhere.

It's not a good thing. But maybe we should ask ourselves a much different question than "Why is the Internet So Dangerous", maybe we should ask "Why are we so vulnerable and unprepared for all the crap going on around us?"

The short answer to THAT question is related to what I've said previously - it's a big world, a far reaching technology, ever-changing in range and ability, with little opportunity for "regular folk" to assimilate sufficient understanding of the nuances that might come back to bite them in the butt. Hardware and software and networks and technology in general has gotten TOO BIG for the layperson to ever be able to grasp, either in whole or in part. I know this because as a technology professional in the business since 1975, I can't even hope to keep up with all the different directions and implementations presented and promoted on a daily basis. IT'S TOO MUCH FOR ANYONE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND, let alone try to communicate to others.

What I hope to be able to do, and let's face it - it's a BIG THING - to help find one or more ways to make it easier to teach technology consumers ("users") not just about the sizzle, since the marketeers of Wall Street have seen to that in their own convoluted and confounding ways, but about the steak, the REAL meat of what's important. I want the user to understand the ramifications of choosing steak over the alternatives, of eating the steak, how the steak gets made and delivered to them for consumption. Why Chicken may be better than Steak, if I can exercise a creative tangent in this thought.

Some things in life are just NATURALLY SIMPLE, even though they may employ sophisticated technologies. I'm thinking of a toaster in the kitchen. You put a slice or more of bread into it and slide a lever to make it go. That is simple. And while toasters of the past employed controls for the amount of time the bread was subject to those heated coils, and it would be easy to turn it up so high you'd burn the toast, today's technology uses an automatic monitoring system that toasts your bread to some median level and then presents it for your enjoyment. No smoke, no alarms, no runs, no hits, no errors.

And before you accuse me of comparing toasters and PCs, or apples and oranges, let me say that comparing these things is not what I'm trying to do here. It's my intention to relate the simplicity and ubiquity of a device that does something with automatic precision and user protection, taking much of the choice, for lack of a better term, out of the equation. If our PCs worked more like toasters, the user wouldn't have to deal with slowdowns, infections, corruptions, crashes, bluescreens and freeze-ups, data thefts and criminal trespassing the way they do in the Real World. Yes I know the comparison is imperfect, but so am I, and that's what you get.

So - what IS the answer, really?

It starts with user education, training and awareness, and encompasses marketplace transparency, regulatory control, manufacturing checks and balances, distribution protection, vendor accountability, international standardization, easier access to technical support, and less expensive and more efficient onsite repairs when things do go wrong. Hey - it's a START, anyway. What would YOU do? I'm all ears on this one.

The term CHANGE is being bounced around a lot this political season, and there seem to be a number of definitions of the word, sometimes so many I think the word change itself is changing too much to get a firm grip on it. Here's the deal - what we've got now doesn't work, and it hasn't worked for years, and it's going to get a LOT worse unless we pull back now and take stock of what's important for the greater good, and begin traveling a path that has some sense and sensibility to it, and not just in things technological. OK, there. I said it.

I wasn't a regular, practiced creative or journalistic writer before creating this blog, but I can see how getting words on paper, or a website page, can make me feel better and tell my readers something they might not have read elsewhere. Feel free to enlighten me if you're so inclined. I am appreciative of thoughtful, reasoned, and informed contributions. Have at it, Pilgrim.

Thanks for reading today!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ways to Secure and Optimize Microsoft Windows Computers

Windows has a long history of security problems, performance issues and exploitable weaknesses, due to its design and implementation. Many of these issues can be mitigated, controlled or eliminated by performing these actions:

1. Build new systems with all updates and security fixes built-in. This is called a monolithic "bare metal" clean install, whereby all updates and service packs are slipstreamed into the initial installation media so that when setup has completed, the system is totally up-to-date and does NOT need to visit Windows/Microsoft Update website to download any additional patches. Also, the default services (background processes running) are reconfigured to turn OFF any and all that are unnecessary or that provide attack vectors to hackers. Service trimming also results in systems that run faster and more reliably, and that have less capability to be infected or compromised. These systems are inherently more secure and reliable than vendor purchased or store-bought (retail) PCs, as they have been updated, reconfigured and secured PRIOR to ever being connected to any network, especially the Internet.

1A. This same process can be applied to EXISTING PCs by preserving all data, reformatting the hard drives and reinstalling Windows and required applications. The backed-up data is restored and the system operates more securely, more reliably and significantly faster than before.

2. On existing systems, it is imperative that they have all updates, security patches and hotfixes installed as soon as possible. Providing the system is not already infected or compromised, these updates will further harden the system and protect it from intrusion. Windows Update and Microsoft Update are the two main sources on the Web to analyze systems and download required patches, though there are other sources from both Microsoft as well as third trusted parties.

2A. Existing systems should be examined to determine whether any running services should be terminated or deactivated. Services are set to one of three levels - automatic, manual, and disabled. Sometimes it's advisable to alter the state of a service from automatic to manual, so instead of starting up at every boot, it runs only when needed by the system. Disabling a service will prevent it from ever running, and is an excellent method to secure and protect a Windows system.

3. Performance can be significantly enhanced with regular filesystem maintenance, like deletion of temporary files and internet caches, defragmentation of hard drives to better organize and collect files, registry examination, optimization and repair, prefetch folder cleanup and reorganization, temporary folder and premium swapfile placement, virtual memory settings, and more. These changes can result in systems that boot faster, shut down faster, and operate more smoothly and with fewer errors (BSODs, lockups, spontaneous restarts, and the like).

4. Security software MUST be employed as additional layers of protection for Windows PCs. Even fully patched and up-to-date systems are still prone to user errors and drive-by malware installations.

4A. Foremost is anti-virus running in real-time, available to scan all user and filesystem activity and scan for infections or dangerous programs. This is especially important on systems that have access to the web, and doubly important for all PCs running Internet Explorer as the default browser.

4B. Some kind of anti-spyware that can do real-time checks of the system to prevent the installation of rogue software that can subvert all other protective measures (like fake anti-virus or security apps that look just like the real things). If bad software gets on a system, it's Game Over, so we MUST prevent this at all times. User training will only go so far, and the system must be able to defend itself at all times, even at the expense of performance.

4C. Some kind of software firewall will control both unsolicited inbound connection attempts as well as suspicious outbound connections. This can also be controlled by using an expanded, read-only hosts file or a freeware program like Peerblock which will prevent the system from connecting to IP addresses known to be dangerous or problematic.

5. Regular (non real-time) scans for these items will provide another layer of security, so that if somehow, some way real-time protections are ineffective or faulty, the daily or weekly scans will expose anything that might have gotten into the system. There are many very capable applications like Spybot and Malwarebytes AntiMalware that can cleanup (as well as protect) a Windows box, and other tools like Viper and Norman can cleanse systems already infected by booting from a clean boot disk (CD or DVD) and scanning the entire hard drive.

6. A real-time network segment monitoring system, not connected to the internet, can be a great tool that observes all local network activity, examines firewall entries, and sounds alerts via email or IM in the event of a suspicious data transfer or LAN action. This monitor runs inside the firewall on the LAN, analyzing and logging all activity. Even if something is found later, having evaded all the above defenses (like sabotage or employee hacking), a log will be maintained that can be used to trace and identify the nature of any unauthorized activities or actions.

7. There is the notion that Linux PCs are less prone to security problems than Windows systems, and this is largely correct. The idea, however, that Linux systems are immune or impervious to viruses, malware, phishing or penetration is a myth, as ALL systems are inherently insecure and imperfect. By using Linux at the workstation, we avoid client-side, user issues like ActiveX and Internet Explorer security holes, HTML integration into the operating system (Outlook Express and Outlook are affected by HTML exploits), and the general attraction of Windows as an exploitable target due to its dominant installed base (as well as other evil motivations).

7A. Linux operates on a more secure level by making users sign in at boot time, and run as a user, NOT administrator, and requesting a password for any action that would change the system or affect its security or stability. Windows Vista and Windows Seven have added a User Access Control, but this is easily circumventable by malware, and can be (and often is) deactivated entirely by users who tire of the constant request to verify whether what they are doing is indeed what they really want to be doing.

7B. Linux at the server can save considerable amounts of money, and while it may be more challenging to setup and administer, the initial licensing cost savings can be a significant offset. The savings in vulnerability likely outweighs the purchase savings by avoiding completely the inherent weaknesses present in the Windows platform. For example, prior to Vista and Seven, Windows users operated as full administrators by default, having complete and total control over everything on their systems, a capability shared by all programs (good and bad) installed on those systems.

This is only one approach to securing and optimizing Windows systems. Because of their pervasiveness in the world of technology, and due to the ever changing nature of the threats and their sources, we must reevaluate and retest our methods and processes continually to have any chance of remaining safe and secure in our computing. Be vigilant, stay aware, presume problems and have a multi-layered remediation plan available with properly trained people and capable, updated tools ready to be used anytime they are needed.

This is my method, my approach, and my perspective. Your mileage may vary (YMMV).

Thanks for reading. See you again next time.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Rocks the House


Ubuntu 10.04 is one awesome operating system.

I took the leap of faith necessary and installed with WUBI, so I now have a painless, dual-booting system with XP SP3 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I had already downloaded the ISO file back on release day (April 29th) and burned it to CD, and WUBI didn't even ask me whether I wanted to install from it - it just did it, and I like that a LOT.

This box works in the back room, with a wireless USB adapter for networking, and those drivers were installed without issue, automagically, as part of the install. The Windows boot menu has a new entry, so I can boot Ubuntu anytime I feel like it. I thought about virtualization, having used VirtualBox a lot in the Windows world, but I had not used WUBI in a long while and wanted to see how it was working. The answer is Pretty Darned Well.

My previous system setups with Ubuntu never quite got the hang of the proprietary nVidia video drivers. For any of several reasons, I was always unsuccessful in getting them installed and working properly. That changed with 10.04. I never saw the level of eye candy I see now, with zooming windows and wavy windows - the kinda stuff we got a lot more of in Windows Vista and Windows 7. I still think the UI is a place for interesting stuff, but too much can be a real distraction, especially when you are unaccustomed to it.

Like all good experimenters, I tried the LiveCD route first, and it worked well enough to convince me a real live WUBI install would work well enough to be usable. So far, it's working well enough for me to write this entry in a text editor, and upload it to my Blogger account. I'd say that was a positive endorsement, but this install is still very young. A few shutdowns, restarts and productive, working time will tell the bigger picture.

This new Ubuntu is a Long Term Support edition - that's what the LTS in the name stands for - and will be supported for three years on the desktop and five years for the server edition. I am hoping for a strong start followed by NO SURPRISES, a stable system that allows me to get actual work done, and the opportunity to explore this wonderful free OS that appears to have so much potential and promise.

I had saved my Firefox profile from the Windows side and copied it to the Ubuntu environment so I have all my bookmarks, login IDs and passwords, and everything I need to use the browser just as I do with XP. A simple Google search revealed the location to put the files, and once copied, Firefox started in the same spot on the screen, showing me the same home page and quicklinks, and I was off the races, baby! Everything works just like it used to, including the buttons on my mouse, and that means it's easier to move ahead.

(Remind me to expound sometime on why application profiles are so damn cool....)

Download speeds are just a hair faster than XP, but that's preliminary and will be tested often and thoroughly for a more complete report later. It's looking good so far.

The desktop is working perfectly with this widescreen monitor (1920 x 1080), and those nVidia drivers really kicked the video performance up a few notches. I've already done my first system update, and everything installed without a hitch and so I imagine I am running a fully up-to-date Ubuntu system as I type this.

This box also hosted a very recent install of Windows 7 Professional, and that worked well but remains too different for me to invest the time to relearn, as I continue supporting users with XP and older versions and can see that continuing for quite some time. I will likely virtualize a Win7 install so I can look at it up close from time to time, but as for making it my primary platform, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

OK, because this Linux chapter is just getting underway, I won't bore you with idle chatter or boasts of recent technical accomplishments (can you say Windows rescue disk on USB flashdrive?). There is never a boring time at the Strelecki Labs, and I hope to keep you abreast of what's happening with these blog entries. For now, I will return to my new universe and continue the journey. Live long and prosper!

Thanks for reading. See you next time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Clean Install, 2010 Edition

Why is the Clean Install important to you and your computers?

Is your desktop or laptop PC suffering slowdowns, freeze-ups, spyware or virus infections, frequent popups, Trojan Horse compromises to your personal data, system crashes or bluescreens of death (BSOD)?

PCs are not usually updated with the latest service packs, security patches and upgrades. They MAY have an anti-virus program running, but few are protected by software firewalls, browser protections, script blockers, anti-spyware, system cleanup, or any kind of general malware protection, let alone automated backup and recovery. That's a fact of life, unfortunately. And the bad people who distribute malicious software ("malware") know this and bank on it - with YOUR money.

PCs typically have a variety of applications installed and uninstalled, hardware and software configuration changes made, updates added, patches and security fixes applied, device drivers installed and then abandoned for other, newer devices, all kinds of stuff connected (like music players and PDAs), stuff disconnected, and in general see lots of things come and go in their life as a tool for business, an outlet for creative expression, playthings and game players, and all the other functions we do with our computers. Bottom line: we get these machines into a pretty tattered state as we use them, and they tend to slow down and misbehave more and more as time passes.

A typical unsecured, non-updated, unpatched retail computer, or one that's seen active duty in the trenches of technology, WILL slow down, crash, freeze, bluescreen, become compromised/infected at some point in time. Hey, the Web is a jungle, where outlaws operate uncontained and unrestrained, and you gotta be secure and protected against the tidal wave of crap that is everywhere out there.

That's where I can help.

I will wipe the hard drive with a full and complete reformat, install a SECURED and FULLY UPDATED copy of Windows that has been tweaked and tuned to minimize its vulnerabilities and maximize its performance along with updated device drivers. Then I'll innoculate the PC to protect it from malware, install safer web applications like Firefox and Thunderbird, defrag the drive and spend some time testing everything. Then take a snapshot of the finished installation and save it to CD/DVD so it can be restored quickly and easily should the same thing happen again. Live and learn.

I've setup new laptops that bootup in around twenty seconds, and late-model desktop systems that are ready to go in about thirty. I can't guarantee these numbers for older hardware, but I can tell you that a clean, secure, optimized installation of Windows, along with a balanced set of security software, can and will make your computer run better, faster, longer and more reliably than it ever has before. Really.

There are MANY performance optimizations that can be made to a typical retail PC that will make it work better, and I know LOTS of them. I've been using many of them personally and professionally for years, and I know the ones that really DO work, and those that don't.

I've been doing custom installs on PCs for over twenty years, and secured, high performance Windows setups for most of that time. I KNOW how to make your old hardware run better and faster and more reliably, because I don't install all that crapware that slows you down and hogs hard drive space, and I will install the latest updates and service packs, all secured and tweaked to run at blazing speed. I'll download all the latest drivers so your hardware works as well as possible, and test networking, video and sound to be certain I did it right.

I AM NOT A MAGICIAN. I cannot make bad hardware mysteriously work again. There will be times you might NEED some hardware upgrades/repairs to make your system operate at peak performance. If your computer has only 256 MB RAM, that will limit you - a LOT. 512 MB is a better place to start, and 1-3 GB RAM truly makes the PC work better, faster, longer. For XP I like to recommend 1 GB as a minimum, and 2 GB as a minimum for Vista and Windows Seven. More is always better, best determined by your workload and the type of programs you use.

Hard drives control how fast you can go - usually the larger the drive, the faster it works. 7200 RPM drives work much better than 5400 RPM or 4200 RPM drives, and of course, newer drives work better than older ones. The new solid-state drives (SSDs) have no mechanical moving parts, and are a great way to make your computer boot faster, run faster and cooler. Older systems will need a SATA interface upgrade, but most newer systems are ready to be upgraded to SSD.

If you don't need any hardware upgrades or repairs, I'll do your Bare Metal Clean Install of Windows for $199. Here's the deal: You bring the system unit to me (no mouse, monitor, keyboard or printer - just the CPU or laptop and power brick), along with a $100 deposit, then give me about five working days to get it all done, tested, and a customized restore disk created. When you pick it up. pay me the balance due. If you need it sooner, I can turn it around in two working days for just $249, or in one working day for only $299. Working days mean weekdays, Monday through Friday.

If you are REALLY rushed and need it THE SAME DAY, I'll usually do the work BY APPOINTMENT on a first come, first served basis. You'll make full payment in advance, and you'll need to have the system to me by 11AM at the latest to get it back by 7PM that same day. We'll need to talk about several things, so email me ASAP with your contact information. If I need to do this work at your location, we can do that, too.

Here's what YOU have to do: backup any and all data you want to keep. My Bare Metal Clean Install process will absolutely, positively destroy every last bit of data on the hard drive, both good and bad. This includes documents, downloads, pictures and music, as well as viruses, spyware, Trojans and all the other bad stuff. If I have to back up your data it will cost you AT LEAST $200 extra and probably more because everything will be scanned for malware and cleaned, saved to DVDs and then restored back to your newly repartitioned, reformatted, clean-like-a-baby's-behind hard drive. If you have an external USB hard drive, I'll use that to store your backup data.

I'll also need any CDs/disks that came with your computer, if available. You will need a valid Windows Product Key/ID sticker, usually located somewhere on the exterior of your computer system unit. This is five sets of five characters and is proof of your ownership of an OEM Windows license, and can be Media Center, Home or Professional edition, among others. If you have no license, I'll charge you between $90-$140 at current mail-order prices for an OEM copy to install. This includes upgrades from XP or Vista to Windows Seven. I would prefer using your license, and I want everybody to be happy knowing I'm doing this legally and above-board. Any additional application software or drivers will be installed by you, as well as drivers for your peripherals (printers, scanners, cameras, and the like). I can do it for you, and I'll give you a reasonable estimate upon request.

I've done these custom setups for many years with HUNDREDS of systems, and they ALL WORKED BETTER. No useless crapware, all the latest Windows updates, service packs and security patches, latest device drivers, antivirus, anti-spyware, firewall and other system security software, safer browser and email clients, hard drive defragmentation, boot-time optimization, BIOS tweaking, cooling fan cleaning, and a general physical inspection are what you NEED to get the most from your technology investment. I've been doing that long enough to GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Every system is different, with its own set of requirements. I bring a lengthy experience and knowledge to every computer, including yours.

Bare Metal Clean Installs are just the tip of the iceberg.

I can also help you with: data conversions, backups, recoveries, network design, setup and security, user training and documentation, Internet connectivity, general information research, technical writing, digital media creation and management (audio, video, photos, etc.), spyware and virus cleanup, direct marketing with mail merge, website setup and maintenance, domain registration, remote PC access, printer and peripheral setup, and much more.

I work often with Ubuntu Linux and have found it makes a GREAT platform for typical computer work, like browsing the web, sending and receiving email, downloading video and audio files, creating and printing office documents, watching YouTube online videos, playing MP3 files, making Skype calls, using instant messaging (IM) and LOTS MORE.

I will be YOUR personal technology consultant, and help you OR YOUR BUSINESS move up to the next level of productivity. More choice makes for better solutions. How can I help you Make It Go today?

I'm located in Roswell, GA. You can use the email address below to contact me.

I've been doing this for DECADES, I have a very capable and powerful toolkit, I know what I'm doing, and I'll help you get back up and running the right way. The BETTER way.

THANK YOU for reading and Good Luck in all your computer and technology endeavors.

Computing and Programming Since 1975